Community Projects

St Leonard’s Church supports a number of causes through volunteering, giving and through prayer. Some of the local causes in recent years have included:

Foodbank, Christians Against Poverty, Framework, The Friary, Nottingham Arimathea Trust, Nottingham Street Pastors.

We also have strong links with Christian Aid, Church Mission Society, USPG and more. More information is on the notice board at the back of church or chat to one of the Clergy.

As a church, we support Traidcraft.

Learning about the transformative impact the provision of good toilet facilities has on communities in other parts of the world led us to twin our church and community centre toilets with toilets set up in poor communities overseas. Several members of the church have twinned toilets in their own homes. For further information see

Kids at St Leonards

Wollaton Care Group

The Wollaton Care Group was established in 1974. It is community based, but a large number of the volunteers are connected with churches in Wollaton. The Care Group seeks to serve lonely, elderly and disabled people in the area, helping clients to stay in their own homes as long as possible. It has four main areas of work:

  • Visiting lonely or housebound people and keeping in touch by an occasional phone call for a friendly chat.
  • Running two weekly Luncheon Clubs, on Wednesdays in St Leonard's Community Centre, Bramcote Lane and on Thursdays in the Wollaton Vale Community Centre. Social Services provide the meal which clients pay for.
  • Organising a number of outings each year to local places of interest.
  • Holding two fund-raising coffee mornings each year.
Elderly people holding hands