Exploring Christianity

We long to see that as many people as possible have the opportunity to hear the good news about Jesus Christ and discover for themselves what Christian faith is all about. We regularly run courses to help people do this and you will find information about when they are held here.

Alpha Course

Alpha is an 8-10 session course which explores the basic beliefs at the heart of Christianity. Each session includes a short talk followed by an opportunity to explore things further in a small group.

Find out more about Alpha here.

Confirm your interest by filling out this google form.

Next course: TBC

Small Groups - Connect

We have a number of small groups - Connect - which provide an opportunity to deepen our faith and grow as disciples. These groups meet to worship, to look at how the Bible helps us apply our faith in everyday life and to pray for one other. These are just some of the ways in which we seek to explore what it means to be a Christian.

Join Us:

There is information on the notice board at the back of church regarding Connect Groups. Please speak to one of the clergy or contact the Parish Office for more details.

Home groups at St Leonard's Wollaton