Generosity and Giving

Increasing Generosity 2024 (resourcing the mission and ministry of St Leonard's Church.

Towards the beginning of each year we intend to spend some time focussing on one of the priorities of our Diocesan vision, Increasing Generosity.

In order to resource the mission and ministry of St Leonard's and the wider church we have a need to raise the level of our giving to address the annual deficit in our finances.

We see this as part of a wider response to God, who gives so generously to us, entrusting us with gifts, skills, experience and financial resources to use for his mission. 

In the video below, Mike Smith (one of our churchwardens) outlines the nature of the challenges we face and encourages us to respond generously to resource what we believe as a church God is calling us into.

Thank you for the contribution you make to the life of St Leonard's.

Donations can be made by one of the following:

  • Parish Giving Scheme: to give directly online (with Gift Aid if you are eligible) click here. To fill out a form please use this, PGS PDF Gift Form 0424 version St Leonards Wollaton
  • Contactless: there are QR codes placed on the backs on the pews in Church that you can scan with a smartphone.
  • Cheque: made payable to "Wollaton PCC". Please place them in the collection bag or plate near the entrance
  • Cash: can be placed in the collection bag or plate near the entrance

If you are a taxpayer, please do consider Gift Aid. There are Gift Aid envelopes in the pews, the porch and at entrances for cheques / cash.  For standing orders, there is a box to tick. Gift Aid allows us to claim an extra 25p for every £1 you give. It will not cost you any extra.

Thank you for your donation.