Join the New Church Electoral Roll - a notice for everyone at St Leonard's

Every 6 years, a new Electoral Roll is prepared so everyone who wishes to be on the Electoral Roll has to apply. Joining the Electoral Roll is a way of committing to the life and mission of our church. It allows you to vote at the Annual Parochial Church Meeting (APCM), stand for election to the Parochial Church Council (PCC), and have a say in important church decisions. It also enables our church to be represented at deanery, diocesan, and national levels.

If you consider this church your spiritual home and you are aged 16 or over, we encourage you to join. Being on the roll affirms your place in our church family and helps shape its future. Forms are available at the back of church, from the office or from Erica Bailey. Please return them to the office or Erica Bailey as soon as possible or at least no later than Easter Sunday (20th April)

Alternatively you can download and complete the form below on a computer (not a mobile phone)


This can be completed and either printed off and returned to the church or signed electronically (by typing name in signature field) and submitted via email to [email protected]

Using the PDF templates

  • Click on the document, a download should start automatically (if you are experiencing problems, you could try a different browser e.g. Edge, Chrome).
  • Open your document (check your downloads folder) and save a copy with a new file name.
  • Open your newly saved version, hover the mouse cursor over the blank fields you for more information on how to complete the sections (this feature may vary depending on which PDF viewer you are using).
  • Once you’ve filled in the blanks, you can save it and print it as needed.

Some users have experienced issues with missing fields when printing. If you have downloaded a form recently and had these problems, we suggest clearing your browser cache and downloading the form again, to make sure you are accessing the latest version.