Who We Are

We are a church community living out our faith as followers of Jesus Christ. We are committed to worshipping God, witnessing to his love and welcoming people of all ages.

We aim to grow and learn together as God’s people encouraging as many as possible to experience the joy and hope that comes from living for Jesus. We want to release every individual’s God-given gifts in ways which build up the church, contribute to the wider life of the community and extend God’s kingdom.

We believe that there are good reasons and strong evidence for Christian faith, that the Bible’s teaching is foundational for our lives and that we are called to be part of a living tradition, faithfully worshipping God and serving him in the world.

As a Church of England parish church we seek to play our part in the vision of the Diocese of Southwell and Nottingham to be "Living Hope for the city, towns and villages of Nottinghamshire and beyond; and fulfilling the mission to be “Growing disciples of Christ with Compassion, Confidence and Courage." The Diocesan vision film can be watched below.